Seamark provides IT personnel and information architects the means to pinpoint specific information by integrating various data sources (both structured and unstructured from both inside and outside the enterprise) as a new, dynamic data collection that can be browsed, searched, or queried. It then generates an immediately browsable application that enables users to pinpoint information within that collection that they seek to satisfy their business needs. The Web-ready, Seamark-generated application can be used "as is"; refined as necessary for look, feel or function; incorporated into a Web page; or linked to other applications as a Web service. In a Seamark-generated application, users discover information with "pinpoint navigation" - a "search and discovery" technique that differs from the linear, keyword search processes used by Google and others. Users are presented an intuitive set of categories that represent different views, or organizations, of the data in the collection. Selecting the category that is most relevant to the information sought, the user can drill down into increasing levels of refinement and be left with the precise information being sought. Also known as "faceted navigation", the technique enables users typically to converge on "answers" in a fraction of time as is necessary when using keyword search. What Seamark does is systematically examine the various data sources to which it is introduced, discovers both the explicit and implicit structure or organization in the data, produces a "metadata" description of its content and characteristics, and then, as described above, automatically generates a browsable, prototype application based upon that description. And as the underlying data changes and grows, the choices presented users change with it. For example, a Seamark application that includes an RSS data feed as one of the data sources could not only alert the user that new information has become available, but that new categories of information are available, as well. ( |