HBX's Internal Search capability delivers reporting on internal searches, including search terms across categories, related searches, failed searches, and search term conversions. The HBX Internal Search functionality captures search actions such as search terms entered in the search box, search results clicked on by visitors, and up to four "attribute" information strings. The capability also drills down to usable reports, such as: Top Keywords Report--provides Web marketers the ability to drill down into each search phrase to see what search results were clicked on. Further reports show related searches, as well as searches that led to no results. Integration of search term reporting with HBX's conversion events--marketers can view search terms that lead to conversions. For example, HBX can show that a visitor arrived on the site due to an advertising purchase, and then performed a search with a particular keyword, which then led to a purchase or a signup. Search attributes tied to conversions--ties visitor behavior with site conversion events. For example, an ecommerce director will be able to see which searches resulted in sales in a particular department or category. (http://www.atomz.com/hbx), (http://www.hbxondemand.com), (http://www.websidestory.com) |