With NewsWatcher, users can view a stream of updates as overlapping cards, each containing a title-for example, "President Makes Speech to the Nation"-and any summary information that is available. Using a computer mouse to move over the cards, users can browse their updates much as they would page through a newspaper or a magazine. A double click brings a single card to the center of the screen, and another click on the card's hyperlink takes users to the full article or Web site post. NewsWatcher comes with a list of preset feeds, including The New York Times, CNN and others, and new feeds can be added by typing in the appropriate XML Web address. A query bar at the top of the NewsWatcher screen adds functionality for users that want to do keyword searching across multiple feeds. NewsWatcher is the latest product offered by Scopeware and is available to the public at no cost for a limited time. The software uses the same interface as Scopeware Vision, which was introduced in 2003, and is upgradeable for consumers that want the full functionality of the Vision product. Scopeware Vision lets users search and browse information on their desktops and shared network drives, including information in emails, word processing documents, image files, spreadsheets, and more. (http://www.newswatcher.com), (http://www.scopeware.com) |