Fast Search & Transfer (FAST), a developer of search and real-time alert technologies, has announced that FAST PartnerSite, an index inclusion service, now includes reporting features intended to enable Web site owners to track the ROI of their online marketing campaigns. FAST PartnerSite offers 24-hour Web site inclusion and refresh within FAST Web Search, a search index used by search engines, portals, and destination sites, reaching over 100 million monthly users worldwide. Lycos and PositionTech will be the first major distributors in the U.S. to offer the expanded FAST PartnerSite service. Lycos, a current distributor of FAST PartnerSite through its Lycos InSite suite of search marketing services, will be deploying these reporting features via their InSite Select product. PositionTech will extend the FAST technology by providing a robust reporting interface via their Direct Submit offering, which includes daily traffic totals and search term queries. Other distributors of FAST PartnerSite include Lycos Europe and Momentum Solutions. The FAST relevancy algorithms used to power search results are designed to be unaffected by the presence of paid-for content. All Web pages indexed by FAST are ranked according to search algorithms, and FAST PartnerSite customers do not receive preferential ranking within the index.