Convera has announced the release of 20 domain-specific semantic network cartridges to enhance enterprise search accuracy, relevancy, and personalization. The plug-and-play cartridges, which capitalize on Convera's recent acquisition of linguistic technology specialist Semantix Inc., allow customers to work with vocabularies more relevant to their specific business or industry. The new pre-packaged cartridges plug into Convera's RetrievalWare enterprise search, retrieval, and categorization solution, and join Convera's existing selection of cartridges that support a wide range of languages. The semantic network cartridges, fully supported by RetrievalWare's concept-based searching method, include thousands of terms and concepts unique to the following industries including: Information Science, Biology, Chemistry, Computers, Finance, and MeSH (Medical Subject Headings). When a user enters a search query, RetrievalWare searches not only for exact word matches, but also for related words and idioms that may be relevant to the query. The Finance cartridge, for example, contains nearly 35,000 terms and 14,000 concepts specific to this industry, such as standing mortgage loan, option writer, series HH savings bond, and the synonyms and concepts associated with each of these words; Health Sciences contains nearly 165,000 terms and 65,000 concepts, and understands that the term "Beta Adrenergic Blocking Agent" is closely linked to the phrase "Anti-glaucoma Drug" and the brand names "Betoptic" and "OptiPranolol."