SearchInform Technologies Inc. has released a new version of SearchInform, a corporate system of full text search and search for documents with similar content in large data volumes. The new version supports web-interface, a feature that will be particularly applicable in the corporate field. Users don’t need to install any additional software on client computers, instead they can connect to the search server using web-browser. This also rids users of all limitations affiliated to binding the client versions of SearchInform to a particular computer. With web interface, SearchInform offers functions which allow users to set client access to SearchInform search server via internet. When accessing the server through the internet, the system of user access rights differentiation as set in domain security policies applies. The Windows platform is required only for the search server, while client workstations can be equipped with other operation systems. Regardless of different OS’s, clients can connect to the server, send their search queries, and get results.