Some examples of services in the new Web environment, include: Audience Level system uses library holdings data in WorldCat to calculate audience levels for books represented in the WorldCat database, based on the types of libraries that hold the titles. Using a Greasemonkey script, the Audience level data interacts with a Web service and inserts results in a Web page, such as an Amazon page; Livesearch uses the Ajax scripting technique to facilitate searches with each keystroke of a search term/phrase. Livesearch retrieves ordered, FRBR-grouped results, and uses the Dewey Decimal Classification system to narrow search results; and FictionFinder is a project that uses the FRBR model in a system for searching and browsing bibliographic records representing fiction. Users can search by character or by place or setting, and can find items they might be interested in and learn whether their library has it. Elements of potential interest to readers of fiction, such as summaries, subject headings, genre terms, etc. are extracted from individual bibliographic records, filtered, and presented at the work level. The 66-delegate Members Council supports OCLC's mission by serving as a discussion forum and communications link between member libraries, regional networks and other partners, and OCLC management. ( |