AlertsManager provides information managers with the ability to publish, track, and manage access to alerts. Once the information manager has created an Alert, end users can then be invited to subscribe to available alerts. Additional AlertsManager features include: the ability to publish or post alerts so end users can subscribe without assistance; copyright compliance is automatically applied based on number of subscribers to each alert; and Alert Publishers can check who has subscribed to which alerts, find out how many alerts each end user is receiving, and track expirations. AlertsManager is designed to complement other alerts administrative tools in DataStarWeb, including Alert Delivery Tracker, which allows users to verify if alerts or document deliveries have been completed successfully and request an alert or document to be re-sent to the user or someone else. DataStarWeb also offers Multiple-File Alerting, which provides the ability to set up and edit multiple alerts spanning different databases. ReportAid allows DataStarWeb searchers to: post documents from different searches and later assemble those documents in a single report; rearrange documents and fields and automatically create an index; add text to a front page, include images and define the report layout; and output the report in three formats (PDF, RTF and XML). (; |