FAST PSP unifies the desktop, the enterprise, and the Web and is able to fuse with enterprise-specific resources such as CRM, SFA, and ERP. Additionally, FAST PSP meets enterprise requirements that information will remain secure, confidential, and inside the organization. Further, as a B2B offering, FAST PSP enables System Integrators and Independent Software Vendors to develop and deliver services beyond those traditionally associated with Web based solutions. Highlights of FAST PSP include: A True Platform, where the FAST Personal Search Platform extends its FAST ESP platform approach to personal information discovery. FAST PSP enables partners to create and deploy unified search from the desktop; FAST PSP is architected as an open, configurable, and secure desktop solution framework. As a platform, FAST PSP also provides flexibility to implement specific User Interface ‘look and feel' elements for a Partner solution; an Enterprise-Class Search so that FAST ESP technologies can deliver search capabilities that reach deep into all information sources, and all information types, including text, data, email, audio, image and video; the ability to empower Knowledge Workers, where information is discovered from the user's personalized and unified enterprise desktop search platform, FAST PSP allows users to work with what they've found, regardless of application, from within PSP; and its ability to be configured, personalized for the enterprise, work group or user, and deployed within minutes. ( |